Saturday, July 17, 2010

In laws...

So today was the day I'd been planning for months. My little sister's bridal shower! I woke up, all ready...was nursing my baby while my husband ate breakfast and loaded the car. And then I got a call from my sister. Wanting to know where I was and how long I would be. I said probably an hour and twenty minutes. We have a 45 minute drive and still had to go to the store. She was cool with that and said she would see me then. So about 5 minutes later I get a call from her fiance (my current brother in law...yeah I know weird right? My husband and him have different dads, so whatever it is what it is.) Anyhow. He calls and he says well do you think you could like get down here now, get your crap together and get going? And of course this was after he asked me what I was doing and how long I would be (to which I replied I was nursing and an hour and twenty minutes). So yeah, he wanted me to quickly nurse my son and get going. He informed me that my sister was sitting alone at the pavilion we were having her bridal shower at, and would be until I got there. Well I was under the impression that he was to sit there and save the spot for her. We had been talking about this for months! Otherwise I would have rented one, and had it RESERVED! So I call my sister to tell her to leave, that I would figure it out if she didnt want to sit there, no big deal. And she says that it isn't a problem, she didn't mind sitting there, and then I heard it in her voice. She was crying. On her day. HER DAY! Grr. I was sooo angry. We loaded up the car, stuffed the baby in and were off. We made it in an hour, maybe a little less, who knows. Plenty of time before the shower. Had tons of time to set and and time to spare. In the mean time (while we were on our way) my brother in law goes back to my sister and starts in with her....asking her why they were even getting married, and starts throwing weird things at their vehicles (water bottle and granola bar) Yeah and this was after he called my husband and said that I hung up on him and that was immature. Haha some people. So my sister told him to F off, and she left. Thankfully she came back or I would have hunted him down with a baseball bat! This was her day and he ruined it. Well anyhow, after we all got there and everything was set up....she was calm and ready to have a great day. I had everything planned out and ready to go! So the rest of her day went well and the bridal shower was great. You think they would have hashed it out when she got home, at least talked about it. But no. They didn't. She let it become 'water under the bridge' ( I do believe that is how the saying goes) Just completely acting like nothing happened. I told my husband that if he ruined my bridal shower like that, I doubt I would have married him. Who wants to start a marriage out like that? And I was ALMOST accepting that she was going to marry him, after months of telling her not to. She is smart, beautiful, and just better than that. She deserves better. Her real problem, she doesn't think she is all that special and she wouldn't know where to even begin to look for someone else. Plus I think she believes that this is what you do when you are in your 20s, and yes for some...that is what they do. For others, not so much. I just hope this works out for her....poor girl.

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